Tips About Starting Your Own Garden
Written by Davinder Bisht on 5:27 AMTip #1: To save time, start writing down your gardening plan. Take the help of a friend if needed. Also if there are any sprinklers needed. This is over and above other points you may think of.
Gardening Tip #2: The preparation of the soil is a major piece of the garden puzzle and has huge effects on the success of your garden. Different types of plants prefer different types of soil so make sure you take that into consideration. For the natural flavor to remain in your food, use organic fertilizers in your vegetable or herb garden. A good compost or even wood chip mulch is preferred over the ordinary fertilizer.
Watch out - as it might be truly valuable when it gives you the much-needed returns. Though fresh home brew compost is a rich source of nutrients, it may not be as realistic as one imagines, for the herbal and vegetable garden. While mulch is a viable alternative to home compost mixture, but ensure that you are using softer woods which break faster, like redwood or pine. Mulch, compost or fertilizer, ensure that they are all mixed well.
Gardening Tip #3: Once the soil is ready, instead of planting the plants, simply lay them on the top of the soil, to have a final look at what your garden would look like, in case you want to make any last minute changes. I believe that the best option is to plant together all plants which have same individualities. For instance, plants which have a bigger spread should be grouped together. Segregate taller plants from the shorter plants and plant the former at the back - so that you can see all the plants.
Gardening Tip #4: Your garden needs watering regularly. For a big house, keeping your garden in ship shape is a tough task. I recommend using an automatic watering system, as then the garden can grow on its own. These auto systems can be anything from big sprinkler systems to a timer on a hose sprinkler. Remember, that it provides shade, beauty and sometimes food also.
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